Jhund (transl. Crowd) is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language sports film based on the life of Vijay Barse, the founder of NGO Slum Soccer. The film starring Amitabh Bachchan, Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru is directed by Nagraj Manjule. The biographical sports-drama is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Raaj Hiremath, Savita Hiremath and Nagraj Manjule, Gargee Kulkarni and Meenu Arora under the banner of T-Series, Tandav Films Entertainment Pvt.Ltd and Aatpat Films. In the film Bachchan plays a professor who motivates the street children to form a football team. The filming began in December 2018 at Nagpur..
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